How are you everybody
This is for CSDians and who are interested in programming
what's behind running our programs alot of us (not all) don't focus on what is behind running programs.
It's an introduction to :what goes into actually making a program , the steps that a compiler takes when building the program
That will improve our programming,cause understanding the phases of compilation will make it easier to deal with compilation failures
Here we will have a look to what is behind programs in C and C++
Actually it's some links which simply discuss the steps of compiling
let's start:
briefly the difference between compiling and linking that compling process one file and poduce .object file then linking process this .object files that is declared in this
- Using multiple Source Files in a single Program :
that's about the reusabilty of the code in more than one project, that prevent from rewrite the code more than once and save in time and effort and,that implay seprating the header file from the source file ,this show how to do that It is processing the code before compiling it ,it's more than including some files and defining constants, there is macros and it's tricks and more in this
- Dealing with Compiler Errors:
I think it's very important specially that errors in C and C++ are confusing so it is the types of the errors and how to deal with it
i hope that will be useful for you ,thank you for reading that